Balancing the books

simonlaunch12a-2-1September has been a strange month. As I have been completing drafts two and three of Death’s Silent Judgement, I have been writing guest blog posts and organising publicity for Dancers in the Wind, the first novel in the trilogy.

The positive early reviews on NetGalley for my début crime novel have given me more confidence while working on book two – as have the comments of the two beta readers who have been so generous in their praise.

It was rewarding reading the proofs for Dancers in the Wind as it served to reminded me of characters who reappear in Death’s Silent Judgement, some of whom have revealed different sides to their personalities. Meanwhile some characters in book two are nudging me, like starstruck actors, for a more substantial role in book three. At least one will have his wish come true.

It has taken me a long time to decide the fate of a couple of the main players in book two and I have been sad to lose them. I’ve also had to ditch a couple of my favourite scenes as they didn’t fit in with the narrative timeline.

But the real joy for me has been exploring the characters who have taken over, have trod their own path and have surprised me with their actions and lives! One character completely transformed and I shouldn’t have been surprised as there were clues along the way.

So Death’s Silent Judgement is almost ready to send off to Urbane Publications. One final read through and a few loose ends to tie up in the finale.

Meanwhile the launch parties are now arranged – just! – and I am full of first night nerves. But as with theatrical first nights there will be lots of friends to support me. The real test will be when Dancers in the Wind is on sale. Will readers enjoy it? I hope so as I have had such a great time writing it.

Dancers in the Wind is on sale in Foyles and other bookshops and can be ordered from Amazon UK or Hive Stores with free delivery.